Michael and Nancy Jane Morizio
Serving the Lord in the Eurasia Region
Michael and Nancy Jane Morizio serve the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Eurasia, based in Italy. Michael is the associate regional business manager. He works closely with the Eurasia regional business manager and the Eurasia regional director to manage the business affairs of the LCMS in this part of the world. He helps support the practical needs of all LCMS missionaries serving in this region and works with local church partners on long-term mission projects. Michael and Nancy Jane also help with translation and implementation of the Divine Liturgies and Lutheran Service Book musical settings into Italian.
Michael’s hometown is Waltham, Mass. He earned a Bachelor of Music degree from the Hartt School of Music at the University of Hartford; a Master of Music degree from the Boston Conservatory; and a Master of Business Administration degree from Bentley University. Michael has worked in executive leadership roles for various global enterprises. He also was owner and CEO of a number of start-up companies before serving in Eurasia. A trained musician, singer and composer, Michael also worked as a freelance (baritone) opera singer. His hobbies include singing, playing tennis, choral and sacred song composition and building great start-up companies.
Nancy Jane’s hometown is Atlanta, Ga. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in communications from Wheaton College. She also studied at Circle in the Square Theatre School. She has worked as a senior research assistant and data manager, a drama teacher and a freelance opera singer before serving as a missionary. Nancy Jane also is an internationally licensed tour director, and she works with Michael to run AbruzzoPresto, Inc. (a private touring business). Nancy Jane’s hobbies include singing, diving, reading and graphic design.
Pray for Michael and Nancy Jane as they move to Italy and serve in the Eurasia region. Ask God to give them strength and peace, and to keep them steadfast in His Word as they transition to life overseas. Pray that God emboldens them to share the Gospel in their interactions with local people as missionaries, and in their interactions with other LCMS missionaries and workers serving in this region. Let us give thanks to God that Michael and Nancy Jane are serving His children in this part of the world.
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Additional Information
- Birthdays:
- Michael - Jan. 31
- Nancy Jane - Jan. 28
- Wedding Anniversary: April 14
- Home District: New England
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Giving Online: You can partner with the LCMS by making an online gift restricted in use to the support of the MORIZIO family.
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Giving by Check: You can also make a donation towards this family’s ministry by check.
Mail your check, made payable to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and designated with their last name, to:
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
(Or call
888-930-4438 to speak with someone.)