Triennium Timeline

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

The following clickable infographic provides information on how a congregation can, in each phase of the Synod’s triennial cycle, arrange for its representation, make nominations, and propose district and Synod actions through overture submission.

The timeline below provides convention-related information and deadlines, specific to the current triennium, to enable all congregations, congregation members, and individual members of the Synod to participate fully.


Informational Poster       Important Dates

1A: Representation - Circuit Forum 1B: Nomination - Circuit Visitors 1C: Overturen Submission - Circuit 2A: Representation - District Convention 2B: Nomination - District Officers 2C: Nominations - District President 2D: Overturen Submission - District 3A: Representation - Circuit Forum 3B: Nomination - Circuit Lay Delegate 3C: Overture Submission - Circuit 4A: Representation - Synod Convention 4B: Nomination - Synod Officers 4C: Nomination - Synod President/Vice Presidents 4D: Overture Submission - Synod Convention


Informed Participation

*Informed Participation

Update Stats & Lay Leaders in January and February of each year so that your congregation’s leaders receive timely, emailed information and reminders.



Multi-congregation parishes are represented as a unit.


Informational Poster

The Big Picture - InfographicThis poster illustrates the stages of Synod's governance process, and was developed for your congregation to use in preparation for the national convention.

Download poster



Important dates and deadlines

When and Who Process Ongoing Stages
Jan. 23, 2021 to Oct. 29, 2022 

Congregation Members
Submit Nominations for Synod Secretary and Convention-Elected Boards and Commissions 4B
Until Oct. 29, 2022 

Congregations; Circuit Forums
Circuit Forums meet to elect voting delegates to the Synod Convention. Before they meet, congregations need to select representation and may make nominations or submit overtures 3A, 3B, 3C
Until Oct. 29, 2022 

Advisory Individual Members
Select for each district the nonvoting advisory delegates to the Synod Convention Bylaws 3.1.3-
Jan. 26-28, 2023 meeting
Feb. 28, 2023 report deadline

Committee for Convention Nominations
Committee meets and selects candidates for Synod Secretary, Convention-Elected Boards and Commissions from submitted nominations (district conventions elect members) Bylaw 3.12
Oct. 29, 2022 to Feb. 28, 2023

Submit nominations for President, First Vice-President, and Regional Vice-President 4C
Oct. 29, 2022 to March 19, 2023

Register Voters for President of the Synod (replacements for already-registered voters accepted until 6/9/2023) 4A
Until March 11, 2023 (preferably before Feb. 10, 2023)

Submit overtures and reports for consideration by the Synod convention 4D
Until May 27, 2023 Submit comments to the Secretary on reports and overtures in Convention Workbook (published by 5/6), for consideration by floor committees. --
June 9-12, 2023

Floor Committees
Floor Committee Weekend (TENTATIVE) 4A
June 17, 2023 to July 11, 2023

Congregation Pres. Voters
President Election (candidates identified by 3/10/2023; result announced by 7/15/2023) 4A
Until July 22, 2023 Submit comments to the Secretary on resolutions in Today’s Business 1st Ed. (published by 6/19) --
July 28-29, 2023 Floor Committee Closed and Open Hearings --
July 29 to Aug. 3, 2023 68th Regular Convention of the Synod (Milwaukee) --

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