Social Issues

As Lutheran Christians, we maintain a dual citizenship in two kingdoms: one spiritual and the other earthly. But living out the Christian faith in witness and mercy while honoring the governments and rulers set in place can sometimes be tricky business. What happens when the government promotes lifestyles that are contrary to the Word of God? How does a Christian respond when it intrudes into the realm of the Church?

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  • To promote life together and to help maneuver through this earthly kingdom and the myriad social issues with which it confronts the Church, the LCMS has assembled resources on topics ranging from domestic violence to religious liberty. It will, by God’s grace, help inform and guide the Christian life, as each baptized child of God lives out the faith.

    Is the world ever-changing? Yes! Can it be difficult to live at the intersection of Christ and culture? Yes!

    But our Lord does not leave us alone in this struggle, as President Matthew C. Harrison explains:

    There is unfolding before us a moment of opportunity for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod like nothing ever before in our history. We have a worldwide vocation, a world that is calling us to account, to stand and be counted for Christ. Despite all our weaknesses, we have unbelievable worldwide capacity for the advancement of the Gospel and the Lutheran Confession. It’s a moment for courage. Shall we dare, by faith in Christ, to seize the moment? . . . The Missouri Synod, therefore, has a collective vocation. Our ecumenical task is to hold forth worldwide for orthodox, biblical Christianity—for the singular authority of Holy Scripture; for the singular truth that salvation is completely by grace (a gift!) on account of Christ’s meritorious life, death and resurrection for us; for the singular truth that this gift is grabbed hold of solely by faith, which is itself worked completely by God through His Word.

Child Abuse

Resources are available for child-abuse victims and caregivers of those who have suffered physical, emotional, psychological and/or sexual trauma. Clergy mandatory reporting guidelines, pastoral care rites, prayers and the article “Loving the Abused” are included.

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Domestic Violence

Resources are offered for individuals facing domestic violence, including physical, verbal, emotional, sexual and/or economic abuse. Also available are pastoral care rites, prayers, a theological statement and the booklet “Has God Abandoned Me?”

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The LCMS offers a theological approach for thinking about immigration issues and engaging with a congregation’s or individual’s immigrant neighbors. Resources include audio interviews, articles, documents and organizations available to help.

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These resources offer a Biblical understanding of God’s gift of marriage between a man and woman. Learn about the value and joy of marriage, why it is special, and how Christ serves others through it. Resources include talking points on the sanctity of marriage.

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Learn about and share information on extending God’s mercy to our brothers and sisters in Christ who are facing death or persecution. Resources include Bible studies, prayers, hymn suggestions, bulletin inserts, audio interviews and articles.

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Religious Liberty

In response to intrusions by government in the realm of the church, the Synod’s “Free to be Faithful” campaign aims to educate and inspire informed action to protect religious freedom and all the cultural issues that pertain to it.

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The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Disability Task Force provides many resources for ministry to people with disabilities that can help churches welcome all people to worship — regardless of physical, mental or developmental ability.

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Human Trafficking

The LCMS offers resources and information for congregations and individuals to know and understand the signs of human trafficking, and assistance is available to engage in the fight against this growing global epidemic.

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Being pro-life isn’t just about the important work of standing against abortion. It’s about valuing life from conception to natural death, and the LCMS has resources to help in your catechesis and advocacy on the life issues we face in our culture today.

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Mental Illness, Health and Wellness

The LCMS encourages all pastors, church workers and congregations to advocate for mental health and wellness among their people and provide Christ-centered compassion and ministerial care through prayer, private confession and absolution, and the Means of Grace.

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The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod condemns racism and asks its members to combat it in the church and in society. The Christian response to racism is centered in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is shaped by clear Biblical principles.

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The LCMS offers resources to address a variety of issues, including human sexuality, marriage, cohabitation and abstinence. Find out what God’s Word teaches us about these important topics that are relevant to our society today.

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