Together in Mission
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod • Mission Advancement

A Network of Congregations Committed to Funding Our Missionaries
Together In Mission invites congregations, groups and organizations to partner with LCMS missionaries serving around the world. By partnering with missionaries in their global ministry each LCMS member has the opportunity to journey with them and share God’s Word with all the nations.
You have the opportunity to pray for missionaries, encourage them through communication, send a short-term team to work alongside them and help financially support your missionary. Your gifts help sustain your missionary’s ministry and covers costs such as airfare, visas, insurance, travel, housing and living expenses.
A Together In Mission commitment, in the form of an annual pledge of support fulfilled as the Lord allows, sustains a strong partnership with our missionaries for reaching the whole world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
For more information on Together In Mission, download the program’s informational brochure.
Download brochure
What are the next steps to partner with a missionary?
Contact Julie Loehring in Mission Advancement to receive a complete packet of information for how your congregation can join.
Please provide your congregation name and mailing address as well as a contact person’s name, phone number and email address.
Julie Loehring
888-843-5267 or 314-996-1651
- Share the information you receive with your congregational leaders and pastor for action at your congregation’s next voters meeting.
- Commit to support of a missionary through offerings above and beyond your continuing contributions for the operational budget, district and Synod.
- Invite neighboring congregations to share the responsibility of supporting a missionary if yours cannot do it alone.